Little s got into baths a lot over Christmas - he got to have a few proper baths at Auntie S's house, she has a full-size bathtub. So bubbles and high jinks proceeded, and we continued the vibes after we returned to our little folding bath, by stocking up on bath bombs at the shopping centre. It struck me a few bath bombs in, while removing various little bits of plastic packaging and breathing in the super-synthetic scent, that perhaps we could make them ourselves. I found this recipe and incredibly had all the ingredients, so thought we should give it a whirl - figured s would be up for helping me make them, and it might make him quicker to jump in the bath!
(makes 1 medium or 2 small bath bombs - this is half the original recipe, once we've cracked it and passed the test phase it'd be worth making more at a time)
Pour the base oil, essential oil and food colouring in a small bowl (mix colouring with a few drops water first if using gel). Mix together well, combining the oil with the colouring as much as possible.
Very slowly add the oil mixture into the dry ingredients a little at a time, whisking between each addition. When all the oil is added, add a few tiny drops of water and whisk again (it will fizz when you add the water, so mix it in quickly). You're looking for the mixture to slightly clump together when pressed in your hand and keep its shape – it shouldn't be too wet.
If you're adding
peel or flower petals to decorate, drop them into the bottom of your
chosen mould. Pack your mixture tightly on top, pressing down and
smoothing out the top with a teaspoon. If you're hiding a toy, put some mix in the bottom, then the toy, then pack the mix around it and on top as firmly as possible.
Leave your bath bomb in the mould to dry for 2-4 h, then carefully remove it. It's now ready to drop into the bath – watch it fizz away!
Worked quite well! s was v keen on hiding little toys in the middles of them, and choosing colours/scents. The first time we put in too much water and they didn't dry out properly and they lost their fizz. The second time we erred on the side of water-caution and they were a little bit crumbly but fizzed like proper bath bombs - hurrah. Used empty yoghurt pots for molds, but I think silicone muffin cups might work better.
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